Hi, I’m Cara, Counsellor, Female Embodiment & Holistic Sexuality Facilitator and Pelvic Health Care™ Practitioner.

I began my journey in the fashion industry, completing a Bachelor of Applied Science (Fashion Design & Technology) at RMIT. Shortly after graduating I started my own small, fair-trade business, producing intimate apparel, but soon found myself questioning if this was my true path.

It was a pivotal moment for me to walk away from what I had dedicated myself to for many years, but I knew deep down I was missing something in my life. This led me to change my career and work in service of others; providing palliative care, professional counselling to at risk individuals, and volunteering alongside Refugees in Melbourne, Australia.

It wasn’t until some years later when I had a sexual boundary crossed, and I still wasn’t where I wanted to be in life, that I knew I needed to begin healing on a deeper level. As I progressed through my own personal development and sexual healing it became clear to me, my friends, my family (and my teacher at the time) that this was my life’s path!

Through embodying this work my life changed dramatically. I became happier. I started to love myself on a deep level again. I began healing deep childhood wounds and unconscious patterns that were habitually showing up and holding me back in life. I began to change my thought patterns with myself, and any negative self-talk began to dissolve. I began to listen to my body and trust what it needed. I began to speak up for my truth, and I started putting in healthy and strong boundaries with myself and others.

“The relationship that has deepened within me has caused all of my other relationships to expand, thrive and grow or naturally outgrow themselves.”

I began my feminine embodiment journey in 2020 with no understanding of what embodiment was or what impact it would have on my life. I now have over 1000+ hours training as a Fembodiment™ Method 1 and 2 Facilitator, Holistic Pelvic Care™ practitioner, among other trainings such as Betty Martin’s Like a Pro training on Agency and Consent, and becoming Trauma Informed.

Mostly, I just want you to known that I absolutely LOVE supporting women, couples and those with a vulva to (re)connect to their authentic Self and authentic Sexuality.

Lovingly, Cara


“I had been feeling a lot of resistance before my first session with Cara, but immediately felt calm and safe once we started. I was able to access a place within myself I never knew of and I’m excited to continue this sacred work with her.”

— Cassie D