Because everyone deserves to have a turned on life!

Why we might work together…

  • You seek a deeper connection to your body

  • You feel stuck in the mind

  • You feel emotionally blocked or numb

  • You want to move on from past experiences

  • You are sick of feeling held back and playing small

  • You want to thrive in your life

  • You want to feel more confident

  • You want to increase your self-esteem

  • You experience guilt or shame around your sexuality

  • You want to prioritise pleasure

  • You want to increase your sexual confidence

  • You have lost your sexual desire

  • You want to have your needs met in relationships

  • You want to identify and action healthy boundaries

  • You feel unbalanced in your masculine & feminine energy

  • You struggle to break habits and stick to a routine

  • You want to use your body to look and feel more vital

What we might work together on...

  • Release emotional blocks

  • Somatic tools to increase self-awareness

  • Somatic tools to regulate emotions

  • Understand the benefits of balancing your masculine & feminine energy

  • Identify and implement healthy boundaries

  • Uncover unconscious programming that limits your growth

  • Learn how to meet your needs in relationship with Self and others

  • Mindful breath-work to increase vitality, sexual energy & pleasure

  • Expand your understanding of Vulva anatomy and beyond

  • Discover how to utilise your energetic body for healing and vitality

  • Discover self-pleasure practices to increase self-love

  • Learn how to come home and feel safe(r) in your body

  • Pelvic care practices, such as Pelvic Mapping & Cervix De-armouring

  • (Re)connect to your Heart & Womb

  • Learn how to use the Jade Egg and uncover its powerful healing capabilities

Let’s work together!

When you turn your attention to loving yourself using somatic sexuality practices such as breath, touch, sound and movement, you begin to change your body's energy patterns. When this happens you change how people see and relate with you. It can transform relationships and help us transcend long held negative beliefs, agreements and rigid identities about oneself.

Sex (re)education isn’t just about women and couples having better sex or more of it, it’s about choosing to love yourself and honouring all of the different parts of yourself that perfectly exist within you.