female embodiment, holistic sex (re)education, holistic pelvic care, embodied tantric wisdom, somatic sexuality, taoism, mindful self-love & self-pleasure practices; designed to (re)connect you to your body.

female embodiment, holistic sex (re)education, holistic pelvic care, embodied tantric wisdom, somatic sexuality, taoism, mindful self-love & self-pleasure practices; designed to (re)connect you to your body.

1:1 Sessions

Online or in-person session.

Please note that all of Cara’s sessions are conducted in a professional manner and do not involve two-way touch.

  • Individual sessions are an opportunity to work with Cara in a one on one capacity and focus on specific areas of interest or directed healing. Cara facilitates a non-judgemental and safe(r) space for you to explore parts of yourself that you may have consciously or unconsciously disconnected from.

    Cara draws on a series of modalities including self-enquiry meditations, somatic movement practices, ancient Taoist healing practices, mindful breath-work and sexuality practices to increase self-awareness, self-esteem, health and vitality, and add more pleasure in your day-to-day life. Cara’s intention is to gently guide you so that you can return to the most authentic and joyful expression of yourself.

    Cara intentionally works in two hour blocks as the work requires time to drop into the body, practice and debrief. In most cases, this work initiates deep experiences in clients and requires ongoing sessions to unravel and explore.

  • • Balance Your Feminine and Masculine Energy

    • Develop Strong and Healthy Boundaries

    • Mindful Breath-Work (Mishra Kaula Tantra)

    • Vulva & Anatomy (Re)education

    • Anatomy of Arousal: Increasing Orgasmic Potential

    • (Re)connect the Breasts, Heart and Womb

    • Live in Alignment with your Menstrual Cycle

    • Clear Emotional Blocks and Build Emotional Resilience

    • Reclaim your Authentic Voice

    • Learn how to Initiate and Utilise your Sexual Energy

    • Mindful Self-Pleasure and Self-Love Practices

    • Ancient Toaist Healing Practices

  • Individual Session: $249

    Six Session Package: $1245

Couples Sessions

Online or in-person session.

Please note that all of Cara’s sessions are conducted in a professional manner and do not involve two-way touch.

  • A couples session is an opportunity to work with Cara in a one on one capacity, focusing on gaining greater intimacy with your partner(s). Cara facilitates a non-judgemental and safe(r) space for individuals to understand and embody new ways of communicating and living harmoniously within couple-ship.

    Cara draws on a series of modalities including conscious communication practices, mindful breath-work, co-regulation, balancing masculine and feminine energy, creating sacred (erotic and non-erotic) rituals and mindful intimacy practices.

    Cara intentionally works in two hour blocks as the work requires time to drop into the body, practice and debrief. In most cases, this work initiates deep experiences in clients and requires ongoing sessions to unravel and explore.

  • • Learn Simple Communication Practices that Deepen Intimacy

    • Learn How to be Present, Grounded and Centred during Intimacy

    • Develop Awareness of Your Partner's: Wants, Needs, and Desires

    • Learn How to Connect Mindfully and Erotically with Yourself and Your Partner

    • Learn How to Balance Your Healthy Feminine and Masculine Energy

    • Learn the Embodied Power of Informed Agency and Consent

    • Create Sacred Erotic Rituals

    • Learn Sensual and Erotic Touch Techniques. (This is taught on educational props)

    • Embody Love, Presence and Appreciation for Each Other

  • Individual Couples Session: $349

    Three Session Package: $899

Jade Egg Sexual Reflexology

Online or in-person session.

Please note that all of Cara’s sessions are conducted in a professional manner and do not involve two-way touch.

  • Much like traditional reflexology, which aims to stimulate pressure points in order to increase the health of organs, sexual reflexology is a tool that focusses on stimulating the tissue within the vaginal walls and increasing the circulation and sexual energy (life force energy) among the reproductive organs and cell tissue.

    Sexual Reflexology uses Taoist wisdom to tap in to a rich source of vitality, by working with sexual energy and the way it manifests in the body. It is based on the principle that sexual health is an indispensable aspect of a fulfilling life. Uncovering the natural spring of sexual energy within the pelvis is a way to access an abundance of life force energy that helps motivate and move us forward.

    Jade Eggs have been used for thousands of years in the Chinese tradition of Taoism. Jade Egg practices are considered a self-care ritual that is client-led. Combining physical and energetic movement, simple breath-work and at times, sound to increases brain chemistry to a person with a vulva to have greater pleasure and increased sexual energy. 

    It is recommended you purchase a Jade Egg well before your booked session. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Cara with questions via email.

  • Jade Eggs have been used to maintain a healthy fertile reproductive system with various other health benefits including:

    • Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles 

    • Improved Bladder Muscles and Function

    • Enhanced Vaginal Lubrication

    • Reduced Numbness Inside the Vagina

    • Increased Sensations of Pleasure and Orgasmic Potential

    • Gentle Internal Sexual Healing Associated with the Crystal Properties

    • May Assist with Postpartum Rehabilitation and Recovery

    • Greater Overall Pelvic Health

    • (Re)connection to Throat/Needs/Speaking the Truth 

    • (Re)connection Between the Neural Pathways of the Brain and Vagina; Increased Awareness

  • Individual Session: $249

    Three Session Package: $649

Vulva and Pelvic Mapping

Online or in-person session.

Please note that all of Cara’s sessions are conducted in a professional manner and do not involve two-way touch.

  • Pelvic Mapping is a healing modality that has been pioneered by Dr. Ellen Heed.

    Pelvic Mapping, like its name suggests is a literal mapping of the internal and external vulva and vaginal anatomy, and assists in uncovering the link between pelvic health and the central nervous system, which is the major communication system of our entire body.

    Mapping the pelvic bowl is of primary importance in order to open the channels of communication and rewire the neural pathways in the brain that are responsible for the health and well-being of our connective tissue within the vagina, as well as increasing feelings of pleasure.

    Cara currently offers client-led pelvic mapping sessions that allow her clients to drop into their own body either in-person or online, while she guide them through simple breath and sound to release what no longer serves them at their pelvic bowl & (re)establish a connection between brain and genitals.

    In most cases, this healing modality initiates deep experiences in clients and requires ongoing sessions to release the fascial connective tissue and bring online the pleasurable sensations available to individuals at within their pelvis.

    It is recommended you purchase the Cervix Serpent Wand™ in clear (2.0) well before your booked session. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Cara with questions via email.

  • What are the benefits of pelvic mapping?

    A self-led pelvic mapping session increases your erotic potential and allows you to release what no longer serves you on a cellular level. The pelvic bowl holds memories, trauma and past experiences in its fascial connective tissue.

    If an experience is unwanted, unsafe, traumatic or unenjoyable the fascial tissue and cells go numb; offline. The disconnection interrupts the neural pathways of the brain that are responsible for pleasure, and there for the pathways disconnect in order to protect. A self-led pelvic mapping session turns the lights back on and empowers clients to take control of their own healing.

    A mapping session often leaves individuals feeling:

    • More Aliveness and Sensation in the Pelvis, Vulva and Vagina

    • A (Re)connection and Deepening to the Feminine

    • A Release of Emotion and/or Physical Tension

    • A Deeper Connection to the Body and Personal Boundaries

    • A Deeper Sense of Personal Trust and Respect for their Vulva, Vagina and Reproductive Anatomy

    • Greater Brain Chemistry and Proprioception to the Genitals

    • Update Energy Patterns at Your Root That No Longer Serve You

    • May Assist in the Capacity to Conceive and Increase Creative Potential

  • Individual Session: $249

    Three Session Package: $649

Holistic Pelvic Care

In-person session only.

Please note that all of Cara’s sessions are conducted in a professional manner and do not involve two-way touch.

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™ (HPC) is a technique developed by the prolific Tami Lynn Kent of Portland, Oregon, USA.

    HPC is a healing modality that combines nurturing internal bodywork techniques carried out by Cara to release the fascial connective tissue and muscles of the pelvis, whilst uncovering energetic patterns, stress or traumas held within the pelvic bowl. It restores balance in the pelvic space of the female body and those with a vulva.

    Who Would Benefit?

    Holistic Pelvic Care would benefit you if you are seeking a deeper connection to your core vitality. By accessing your feminine wisdom, you become free to explore your creative essence and feel empowered in your sensual and sexual energy, in addition to deepening the connection with your pelvis and womb.

    Physically, HPC aims to address muscular imbalances, tension, trigger points, fascial restrictions, holding patterns and scar tissue.

    Energetically, HPC allows you to connect and explore the energetic patterns held at the womb, ovaries and pelvic bowl.

    Women often hold unprocessed emotions, shame or past memories within their pelvic bowl and in its fascial structure.

    When women have access to new and vibrant energy in their pelvic bowl, and continue to release tension, and outdated energetic patterns that no longer serve them, they are able to upgrade their life force energy, and access greater creative potential as a source to live by.

    It can be supportive in working with core balance and pelvic energy flow. This can assist you in times of transition including menopause, deepening your relationship with your inner feminine, and enhancing your overall creative vitality. This process is very supportive of past experiences of sexual abuse, and healing after miscarriage and birth trauma.

  • Symptoms of physical or energetic imbalances that block or limit a woman’s pelvic energy may include:

    • Painful Periods

    • Menopause

    • Fertility Issues

    • Fibroids

    • Recovery from Miscarriage

    • Endometriosis

    • PCOS

    • Painful Intercourse

    • Numbness

    • Lack of Pleasure

    • Incontinence

    • Trauma/Sexual Abuse

    • Feelings of Disconnect from Self and Core Essence

    • Pelvic Muscle Weakness 

    • Pelvic Pain

    • Vaginismus

    • Birth Trauma

    • Grief Around Pregnancy Loss or Termination

    • Caesarean Recovery

    • Scar Tissue (Internal or External)

  • Individual Session: $295

Cervix De-armouring

Online or in-person session.

Please note that all of Cara’s sessions are conducted in a professional manner and do not involve two-way touch.

  • The cervix is made of the same tissue as our heart, and in the same way a heart can be armoured up from broken trust, heartbreak, loss and sadness, so too can the cervix.

    Cervix de-armouring is a healing modality that allows the cells and tissue of the cervix, to release and soften in order to feel more pleasure and sensation. The cervix stores (un)pleasurable, (un)desired or simply (un)enjoyable experiences on a cellular level, and as a result can become hardened over time.

    This process is self-led with Cara gently guiding you to use breath and small movements, to map your cervix (which you may or may not have established a connection to already), as we gently establish new connection and build up to de-armouring the cervix.

    This process can often involve a release of emotions, of which Cara is right beside you to allow the release to come and go, so that you leave the session feeling lighter, freer and more connected and empowered in your body. This often has a positive impact on healthy boundaries and the ability to speak up for the needs of our body and our sexual autonomy and desires.

  • Recommended for women or those with vulvas who have experienced the following:

    • Vaginal Pain

    • Tension or Constriction Within the Pelvic Bowl

    • Numbness During Sex or Self-Pleasure

    • Unenjoyable or Abusive Sexual or Emotional Life Experiences

    • Scarring from surgeries or other experiences

    • Shame

    • Stuck Energy

    • Heartbreak

    In most cases this healing modality initiates deep experiences in clients, and requires ongoing sessions to release tension from the cervix and bring online the pleasurable sensations available, that often results in greater energetic flow and in some cases the experience of cervix and G-spot orgasms.

    It is recommended you purchase the Cervix Serpent Wand™ in clear (2.0) well before your booked session. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Cara with questions via email.

    Please Note: Although the Cervix Serpent Wand is long, only 3-5cm is entered inside the vagina.

  • Individual Session: $249

    Three Session Package: $649